
Porno houses and dreary commercial zones

Today Cathy leaves the United States. In planning her virgin trip across the Atlantic ocean, Cathy searched online for affordable hotels and booked a room in Paris. It's cheap, the photos looked good, and it isn't far from a metro stop. Cathy wants everything to go nice and smooth since the only time she's left the country has been to go to Canada. Later Cathy was reading Fodor's reviews on Paris and found out that her chosen hood is known for its porno houses and dreary commercial zones, making it one of the least desirable neighborhoods for living, dining, and sightseeing.


She called me from New York to read the review and I started laughing before I remembered the nice thing to do would be to try to make her feel better. "Man, I hope you don't get knifed." She thought that was funny.

I wonder what French porn is like. Lemme know, kay?.

We decided her Parisian neighborhood is probably going to be like Bushwick with fresh baguettes. Or any stop on the JMZ after 10pm. After that it's all chateaus, lavender fields and winery tours.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

it's because we all have a big ole ohio ass.

i will have you know i was harassed at 5:00am-ish on the metro platform waiting to pick m up from the airport by a drunk man waving his arms and shouting in my face with french beer breath. i side stepped him the first time. the second time i pulled out the ny attitude and told him "GO!!" with large hand motions. I knew I was home free when he repeated "GO?!" a few times and finally left me the fuck alone. Viva la France.